Photo by: Aaron Bauer
More Information About the Campaign
With your help, Article 25 can take the passion and creativity of thousands and channel it into a campaign to end the cycle of unjust debt, poverty, and poor health. In the coming months, we’re planning to:

• Scale out our bury the chains campaign in indebted poor countries, like Ebola-affected countries and earthquake-hit Nepal
• Spark bold, strategic campaigns to force politicians to address creditors preying on poor countries
• Support communities everywhere that want to confront the impacts of unjust debt burdens and fight for IMF & World Bank loan reforms that create avenues for improving health, education, and other social services

If you can chip in to support this work, we’ll put your donation to good use. Our team is lean & frugal, and we make every dollar count.

Thank you!

DONATE BY CHECK: Make your check payable to “Article 25” and mail it to Article 25, 14 Evergreen Square, Suite 2, Somerville, MA 02143, USA.